Coronavirus: Scientists Uncover Why Some People Lose Their Sense of Smell
From the first reports coming out of Wuhan, Iran and later Italy, we knew that losing your sense …
“Now that we have CT scans of the noses and sinuses of people with COVID-19 smell loss, we can see that the part of the nose that does the smelling, the olfactory cleft, is blocked with swollen soft tissue and mucus – known as a cleft syndrome. The rest of the nose and sinuses look normal and patients have no problem breathing through their nose.”
Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records on U.S. Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown on Firearms
The Biden administration in just the past year alone stockpiled the records of more than 54 million U.S. gun owners and is poised to drastically alter gun regulations to ensure that information on Americans who own firearms ultimately ends up in the federal government’s hands, according to internal…
Heads up America, Biden’s ATF obtained more than 54 million gun owner records in 2021 alone!
Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report was particularly clear and precise, so much so, I want to share it with you.
As I watched the harvest of the neighboring fields around my home, this year, I couldn’t help but wonder how it is that shelves are so empty around the country and even the world. Today, I am feeling hopeful; I understand better that this continued production isn’t being sucked up into a mysterious void, but is being stockpiled against the collapsed dollar. Hopefully, this time around, farmers won’t be persuaded to plow in their crops, as they were in the 1930’s to ensure continued inflation.
This video represents my first optimistic glimpse of a future where God has indeed blessed us with what I have been praying for, nearly every prayer, since April 4, 2020, that, among other things, “the economy [may be] strengthened and life normalized.”
Fed-created inflation and government-created shortages…It doesn’t have to be this way. Many of our American ancestors lived under much more favorable monetary conditions. For almost an entire century, the dollar would consistently purchase more goods and services, not less! Standards of living rose as a result of sound money. We can return to such circumstances once again. All that is needed is the will. -RonPaulLibertyReport
Chris Rossini’s first comments:
“I wanted to talk about a time period, in our history, that is totally unfamiliar to to what we’re used to, and that is after napoleon was defeated, in the early 1800s, all the way up until world war one and when the fed was created. During that time money would consistently buy more, instead of less.
“See, we’re used to our money constantly losing value, people are gambling in the stock market, they can’t make money in the banks, there’s inflation. They’re constantly creating new money. Well it wasn’t always this way. There was a time in our history where money was more, it was sounder than it is today, wasn’t perfect, uh because bankers and politicians have always been creating trouble, they will always create trouble, but compared to today, money was sound and we have no conception of how to live like this.
“You know, we have increases of money whereas they had increases of goods, not money. They didn’t care about how much money was being created, their money bought more, there was increases of goods. Today we have a government that pays people not to work, to produce vaccine mandates, (which, people are being fired and let go, again it’s going to hurt production) backed up ports, lockdowns, and at the same time, the Fed is creating trillions of dollars. It’s totally upside down. It’s a bizarro monetary system. It will end very badly.
“We just have to have enough people, enough influential people, to know what to do when that happens.”
Ron Paul continues the history through the 1900’s and why the greedy have led to the collapse of the U.S. dollar we are experiencing today.
Please watch the video and feel free to leave your comments below.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update as of May 7, 2021 at 5PM Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 188,788 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,061 Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.12 That’s just 12% Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1% Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1% Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population since 2019 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts
Weekly Update as of May 7, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 188,788 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,061
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.12 That’s just 12%
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1%
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1%
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population since 2019 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update as of May 1, 2021 at 5PM Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 187,776 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,045 Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11% Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1% Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1% Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population since 2019 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts
Weekly Update as of May 1, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 187,776 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,045
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11%
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1%
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1%
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population since 2019 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update as of April 23, 2021 at 5PM Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 186,183 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,031 Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11% Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1% Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1% Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population since 2019 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts
Weekly Update as of April 23, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 186,183 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,031
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11%
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1%
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1%
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population since 2019 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update as of April 16, 2021 at 5PM Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 184,769 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,017 Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11% Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1% Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1% Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population in 2020 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts
Weekly Update as of April 16, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 184,769 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,017
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11%
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1%
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1%
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population in 2020 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
2021-04-11 Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update as of April 9, 2021 at 5PM Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 183,153 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 1,993 Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11% Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1% Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1% Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population in 2020 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
2021-04-11 Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update
Idaho Coronavirus Facts
Weekly Update as of April 9, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582 Total Test-Positive Cases: 183,153 Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 1,993
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just 11%
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just 1%
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just 0.1%
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare United States Census Bureau *United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population in 2020 is closer to 1,787,065 Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.