We’ve always wondered what he really looked like, know we know. đ
Argument In Support of Anti-Abortion Laws & Prosecution
Not sure government should be able to force a woman to carry an unwanted child?
Well, I argue that government is an institution of God, for the protection of, among other things, human life; and that our Creator included an instruction in our DNA to excrete a hormone that effectively forces a woman to carry a child âto termâ, therefore government has an obligation to enact and enforce anti-abortion laws and procedures that do mandate a woman carry the baby until it can be safely developed outside the womb, and that the baby then be kept alive.
A baby in the womb is not simply a passive object being built by the motherâs body. From the moment of conception, the pregnant womanâs body is, in great measure, under the control of the baby by design.
Most foreign objects in the human body are destroyed and/or ejected by our natural immune system. A pregnant womanâs body notices and should destroy or eject a new baby within only a couple of the babyâs first cell divisions. The reason it does not is because our DNA includes the instruction for those first cells to excrete substances that suppress the womanâs immune response.
Specifically: âA hormone produced by the earliest cells after fertilization travels in momâs bloodstream back to her ovary. Ovarian cells detect that hormone and respond by producing progesteroneâthe very important hormone that will calm the uterine contractions for nine months and maintain the pregnancy. Later, the placenta will produce progesterone at even higher concentrations.â -Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. âAll-Or-Nothing Unity In The Human Bodyâ from the book âCreation Basics & Beyond An In-Depth Look at Science, Origins, and Evolutionâ (2013) p. 108.
A right is a just claim, or privilege, endowed by God. From the moment of conception, we have the right to live, and it is the will of God that we do. If government were an institution of mankind, for instance to replace God, it would have no rights at all, only the privileges granted to it by its constituents, or its people. But government is an institution of God, so it does have some just claims, or privileges, endowed by God. Namely the right to enact and enforce laws that: 1) protects mortal, human life; and 2) redress for our grievances according to the will of God.
Because of Judeo-Christian teachings, which is the basis of most, if not all, modern civilization, we know the will of God is for us to âmultiplyâ, that is, to have babies; to procreate. In fact, it is a commandment of God and we are forbidden to murder; to kill another human (see Genesis 1:28 & Exodus 20:13). Whether or not a woman wants to be a mother, or to have the responsibility of carrying a baby to term, it is the will of God that she does. Regardless of the circumstances of the conception, or fertilization, God wills it.
So what rights, if any, does the pregnant woman have? Well she does have the right to abort the baby, or to hire someone to perform an abortion, in the same way we all have a right to murder, or to hire someone to kill for us. That is to say, she has the right to choose to follow the will of God or to kill the baby. To end the life of a developing baby is just as against the will of God as any other murder is, and it should be against the law just as any other killing is, and it should be prosecuted just as any other killing is.
Scientists Uncover Why Some People Lose Their Sense of Smell While Infected with Coronavirus

“Now that we have CT scans of the noses and sinuses of people with COVID-19 smell loss, we can see that the part of the nose that does the smelling, the olfactory cleft, is blocked with swollen soft tissue and mucus â known as a cleft syndrome. The rest of the nose and sinuses look normal and patients have no problem breathing through their nose.”
Here’s the link to the full Epoch Times article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/coronavirus-scientists-uncover-why-some-people-lose-their-sense-of-smell_4196706.html?utm_source=healthia&utm_campaign=health-2022-01-07&utm_medium=email&est=PqKkuYeO%2FBI4TUlk%2B5cWP3COdgSHxYo3prfzOVltarBKQf3RwUZKqKUguYNbpA%3D%3D
The Deflation of the 1800s & Fall of the U.S. Dollar in the 1900s
Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report was particularly clear and precise, so much so, I want to share it with you.
As I watched the harvest of the neighboring fields around my home, this year, I couldn’t help but wonder how it is that shelves are so empty around the country and even the world. Today, I am feeling hopeful; I understand better that this continued production isn’t being sucked up into a mysterious void, but is being stockpiled against the collapsed dollar. Hopefully, this time around, farmers won’t be persuaded to plow in their crops, as they were in the 1930’s to ensure continued inflation.
This video represents my first optimistic glimpse of a future where God has indeed blessed us with what I have been praying for, nearly every prayer, since April 4, 2020, that, among other things, “the economy [may be] strengthened and life normalized.â
Chris Rossini’s first comments:
“I wanted to talk about a time period, in our history, that is totally unfamiliar to to what we’re used to, and that is after napoleon was defeated, in the early 1800s, all the way up until world war one and when the fed was created. During that time money would consistently buy more, instead of less.
“See, we’re used to our money constantly losing value, people are gambling in the stock market, they can’t make money in the banks, there’s inflation. They’re constantly creating new money. Well it wasn’t always this way. There was a time in our history where money was more, it was sounder than it is today, wasn’t perfect, uh because bankers and politicians have always been creating trouble, they will always create trouble, but compared to today, money was sound and we have no conception of how to live like this.
“You know, we have increases of money whereas they had increases of goods, not money. They didn’t care about how much money was being created, their money bought more, there was increases of goods. Today we have a government that pays people not to work, to produce vaccine mandates, (which, people are being fired and let go, again it’s going to hurt production) backed up ports, lockdowns, and at the same time, the Fed is creating trillions of dollars. It’s totally upside down. It’s a bizarro monetary system. It will end very badly.
“We just have to have enough people, enough influential people, to know what to do when that happens.”
Ron Paul continues the history through the 1900’s and why the greedy have led to the collapse of the U.S. dollar we are experiencing today.
Please watch the video and feel free to leave your comments below.
Are Mormons Required To OBEY Church “Leaders”?
Apparently, there is a growing number of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are confused about what a prophet is and isn’t. Because of this whole world-wide coronavirus pandemic, many of these members are claiming that “the prophet” has told us to wear masks, and other such nonsense claims. These people are sowing dissension within the church and even going as far as declaring that the members, like me, who refuse to wear the mark of the beast to enter meeting houses, are actually tares and should be removed from callings and the church.
So, I have collected a couple videos to help illustrate my argument that “a prophet is only a prophet when speaking prophetically”. In other words, if he, the president of the Church is not saying ‘sayeth the Lord’, or equivalent, he is just giving his opinion. For instance, when President Russel M. Nelson announced changes to the priesthood structure, shortly after being named president, he in fact claimed the change were divinely revealed. He was acting as a prophet.
This is a video released by the Church of Jesus Christ itself that teaches us exactly what a prophet is:
This second video is produced by a member of the Church by the name of Scott Woodward. I’m sharing it because it explores the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints concerning the words church presidents say and whether they are meant to be obeyed or whether they are simply the opinion of the man who said them.
Please watch and share them with your member friends and family.
This is pretty scary stuff here. If you have school age children, keep them out of the public school system.
2021-05-09 Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update

Idaho Coronavirus Facts
Weekly Update as of May 7, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582
Total Test-Positive Cases: 188,788
Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 2,061
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.12 That’s just
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare https://coronavirus.idaho.gov
United States Census Bureau https://www.census.gov
*United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population since 2019 is closer to 1,787,065
Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
I Support Roku
I don’t want to have anything to do with Google and I wish there wasn’t a single Google app on any of my devices, especially my new television.
Here’s a link to an article from gamestop.com with all the information.
“”We have only asked Google for four simple commitments,” Roku said in an April 30 statement (via The Verge). “First, not to manipulate consumer search results. Second, not to require access to data not available to anyone else. Third, not to leverage their YouTube monopoly to force Roku to accept hardware requirements that would increase consumer costs. Fourth, not to act in a discriminatory and anticompetitive manner against Roku.””
Released From Church ‘Callings’, Is Excommunication Next?
My ward conference was two weeks ago. I was barred from attending in-person, but watched it live via the private YouTube stream. When the members were asked for any opposing votes to the offices of Stake President, Bishop, and Priests Quorum President, I raised my hand, even though I was in my home alone.
The at home members were then instructed to notify the stake president if we had an opposing vote. So I immediately wrote a short and sweet email to the stake president, whom I was opposing, notifying him of my opposition to those callings.
Fast forward to Saturday May 1, 2021, and I come home to a voice message from the bishop, whose callings I voted opposed to. Telling me that my own callings had to be “switched out” to someone else the following day, because I wasn’t attending.
Attending what?!!!
I tuned in the fallowing day to my ward’s sacrament stream on YouTube, and sure enough, I was release with a vote of thanks, presumably. (The camera never shows the congregation, despite the fact that I personally programmed it’s ability to do so, it’s the operators decision.) My callings weren’t specifically mentioned, but I consider it a valid release.
Anyway, I am an open book, so here is my official response I offered to the bishopric via an email with the subject line “Thank You For “Releasing Me” LOL”:
“Hi Bro. Carter. I just want you to know that I have received the voice mail you left me. Thank you for “releasing” me from these callings. I now know, without any doubt, that you are in fact releasing people as a personal vendetta and penalty for opposing you, even when we are 100% compliant, as I am. I had suspected, but now I have the proof.
“First of all, I need to point out that I do not oppose my release. After-all, I did ask to be released a few times since November 18. It’s pretty obvious I cannot perform the duties of either of those callings if I am forbidden to enter the premises.
“For my release, I say thank you.
“I do contest your decision to do so without consulting me in person, and for the excuse you used to release me. In the voice mail you claimed that if I wasn’t going to attend, I needed to be switched out.
“Attend what? I have literally been attending every meeting and activity that I have been made aware of and am permitted to attend. I have even been hosting the Aaronic Priesthood zoom meetings, of which I have been the only attendee since you allowed in-person meetings, even though those meeting are supposed to accessible also through Zoom, which they have been, I know because I have been hosting them.
“What else was I supposed to “attend”? Neither you nor the stake presidency have rescinded or retracted your unrighteous requirement to wear a mask inside the Holbrook meeting house, yet. As soon as you or they, or your replacement, or their replacements, do start to allow all members to enter the meetinghouse without a mask, I will be attending in person.
“Our current instruction from the stake presidency, and you personally, is that masks are required in Malad Idaho Stake meetinghouses, and those who attend in-person meetings inside meetinghouses without a mask are disrespecting those who do wear the mark.
“As unrighteous and evil as that directive is, I am compliant with it. Since I will not wear the mark of the beast, I comply with your, and the stake presidents, instruction by “participating from home”.
“You are penalizing me for doing exactly what I have been told to do.
“As you are 100% well aware, your position, and that of the stake “leaders”, on this matter, directly opposes and contradicts the instruction, direction, counsel, and guidelines provided by president Russell M. Nelson, the first presidency, the apostles, and the general authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, issued clear back in May of last year.
“Which are as follows:
“If you are sick, stay home. If you have to leave while sick, wear a mask. To avoid getting sick, avoid people who are coughing and sneezing.
“Anything more than that comes from the devil, anything less of that comes from the devil.
“Repent now before it’s too late. Invite us all to enter the meetinghouse of our Lord and Savior, who invite ALL, members or not, mark or not, to come unto him, whether we wear a mask or not.
“I remind you, yet again, that no other man on Earth has authority to dictate what other people have wear in order to hear the words of Christ, or partake of his holy sacrament.
“Come back unto Christ. Stand once more in the holy places of the spirit of Christ and the true gospel and doctrine of Jesus Christ and his rightful Church.
“Eventually, the meetinghouses will once again be opened to in-person meetings. At this point, the question isn’t will it happen, but whether God has to release you to get it done. If you are up-to-date with your Come, Follow Me lessons, then you will learn this week that you should have never cast any of us out from our meetings, especially the sacrament meeting.
“Please make amends with all of us whom you have wronged, by the requiring of the mark of the beast in order to enter into the Lords house, by publicly apologizing and formally rescinding and retracting the requirement to wear a mask in the Lord’s meetinghouse in Holbrook, and invite all of us, who you’ve cast out, to return, with or without a mask, to partake of the sacrament and of His words, and declare that it is not disrespectful to others to not wear a mask.
“I leave you with one final request, please watch and read Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s speech titled “What Is Truth” from his Church Educational System devotional of Jan. 13, 2013.
“Video: https://youtu.be/WKd04a4xa08
“Transcript: https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/dieter-f-uchtdorf/what-is-truth
“The speech covers many of the false doctrine and snares that you and the other stake leaders have fallen for this past year.
“Remember, you can always repent, change your eternal course back to Jesus Christ and truth.
“You may also find this video from the Church helpful, it’s titled “What is Revelation”: https://youtu.be/pj1TNrciyZc
“Hopefully it will help you recognize false claims of prophecy and the false prophets who make them.
“It is my testimony that David Jensen is not a prophet, and he is not receiving revelation for the Church, as it is recorded that you have wrongfully claimed.
“When the Holbrook meetinghouse is once again open to everyone, as God has always wanted it, I will once again attend in-person meetings, and I’ll see you there.”
I truly hope he repents.
2021-04-04 Idaho Coronavirus Facts Weekly Update

Weekly Update as of April 2, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582
Total Test-Positive Cases: 181,181
Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 1,966
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare https://coronavirus.idaho.gov
United States Census Bureau https://www.census.gov
*United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population in 2020 is closer to 1,787,065
Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.
Idaho Coronavirus Facts
Weekly Update as of April 2, 2021 at 5PM
Population* (2010 Census): 1,567,582
Total Test-Positive Cases: 181,181
Total Deaths of Test-Positive Cases: 1,966
Test-Positive Cases per Population = 0.11 That’s just
Deaths per Test-Positive Case: 0.01 That’s just
Deaths per Population: 0.001 That’s just
Sources: Idaho Department of Heath And Welfare https://coronavirus.idaho.gov
United States Census Bureau https://www.census.gov
*United States Census Bureau estimates Idaho population in 2020 is closer to 1,787,065
Note: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates only 6% of nation-wide deaths of test-positive cases can be attributed to Covid-19 as the primary contributing factor of the death.