The Floodgate is Open!

If you ever want to see a park full of beautiful women, invent a time machine and come to the Worthen Park here in Satan George, Utah today from about a quarter after noon through now for sure! There are some hotties! It appears to be several unrelated groups of women. I cannot tell if they are church groups or school or other. All I know for sure is that these girls are lookers.

As usual, they are leaving me alone. In other words, they are definitely not Rexburg girls.

I haven’t been to the park during lunch for quite a while. My current routine begins with the park until about 11:00 am then it’s off to lunch then the library for an hour of Internet. After that I return to the park until after sunset. I’d like to re-adopt my old routine that began at the park till 9:00 am when the library opens. After an hour on the Internet, it was back to my favorite seat in the library to watch the girls and write until noon, then I was off to the park for lunch and back to the library until the long ride home.

Anyway, I may have been missing out on all the pretty girls at the park. Although, the girls at the library are closer and I can get a better look at them. Here at the park, my sight of most of the girls at a distance may rely more on my memory and imagination than their actual looks. Well, my eyesights not that bad.

I stepped out of my normal routine today because I didn’t have anything prepared to upload on this blog. I’m glad I didn’t now. I just didn’t feel like writing this morning like I do most mornings. I only started writing about the girls because I. . . well two reasons I guess. One was that I may look more sophisticated and less homeless if I’m busy typing away on the laptop. The other reason is that when I don’t feel like writing about the gospel or politics, I can always write about girls. And visa-versa, or whatever.

Well, for those of you with the time machines, the last call for the sights at Worthen Park today is 1:00 pm.

No Flower For Me

Well, I guess I don’t get that flower I was hoping for. Count that among my disappointments. I suspected as much the day I wrote the blog concerning Flower. She never got the message I sent her.

After a week of not being contacted, I asked the woman I gave the note to if she had ever given it to the girl. She told me no, that Flower had not been home so it had been slid under the door in an envelope with Flowers name on it.

There is two things that may have occurred. One is that no one noticed the letter shoved under the door and it just got lost. The second is that my friend who was supposed to deliver the note wrote the wrong name on the envelope and Flowers mother opened it and didn’t understand a single thing about it.

I worry about the second option, and I wonder. (Though not for the reason you may assume, mothers have always loved me, and I know her grandparents like me.) The day I first met Flower, my friend, an 86-or-so year old woman, never got the poor girl’s name right. At one point, Flower turned to her and asked my friend why she kept calling her by Flower’s mothers name. Now, this lady, who is my friend, gets everyones name wrong. Carrying a conversation with her about someone else is sometimes difficult because I never know if she’s talking about the person whose name she uses or someone else altogether.

I was never introduced to Flower, so I don’t even know her name. I mean, I think I know her name is the name of a flower (hence the code name Flower), but I can’t be sure that that name is not hers at all, but her mothers, whom I have never even seen. All I have is the word of my friend, who gets everyones name wrong.

Now, there is a small chance that Flower did get my message, but just hasn’t got a way to respond yet. She might not have Internet access or her own e-mail address. Perhaps she’s been puring over my 37 page website trying to get to know me and just hasn’t felt ready to respond. She might just be waiting until she comes back to St. George next month to talk to me in person, that’s respectable. Who can say for sure but her.

Em’s New Scaffolding?

I am so crushed! While reading through this past weekends news at, I was shocked to learn that Emma may have gotten braces! That’s right, that woman with one the most beautiful smiles in Hollywood may have braces. I cannot say for sure, but I am appalled to say the least at the very idea.

I love Emma’s smile. It is one of the best, most radiant smiles around. I have always been attracted to her smile and admired the fact that her teeth have always supported her smiling technique.

I never have been a fan of braces. I never had braces myself though I know that if we could have afforded them the dentist would have talked my mom into getting them. Today, I am proud of my perfect teeth. I even still have all my wisdom teeth. I have always looked upon braces as a ploy for dentists to ensure business. And it is. It’s cliché I know too many people who were told they should have braces, for whatever contrived reason, but who never did and their teeth came out just fine.

One of the main reasons I hate them are because they promote the idea that you are not as good as you should be. Its a social disorder that requires everyone to conform to the majority’s concept of what is pretty. When parents endorse this absurdity, they are encouraging low self esteem and an unwarranted desire to fit in.

Also, your selling false good. One of the physical treats that society demands today is good teeth. What about those poor fools who marry someone with nice teeth just so their children won’t have bad teeth? Oops, your teeth are store bought? Well so much for that. Here come the dentist bills for all those children. Hope your rich beyond dreams.

Some people need braces. It is a fact of life, and maybe Emma did. I doubt it though. And, I have always wanted to kiss a girl with braces. . .

I don’t even know if she does have braces. All I know for sure is that none of the pictures I’ve seen of her at a recent film premiere show her trademark smile. And the new article I read on made comment about it looking like someone got braces. I cannot imagine Emma agreeing to that. What were “they” thinking, the powers that be.

Patriotism by Commandment

Speaking about learning…

With this weekends 4th of July awareness came a lesson in church on Sunday [Rejection-day]. I learned that our forefathers appeared to the St. George Temple president requesting their temple work be done right here in the St. George Temple a little over a hundred years after they signed the Declaration of independence. How cool is that!

I also heard a quote from Thomas Jefferson in 1820 in which he declared that someday soon God’s church would be restored to the earth the way Christ established it when He lived here. For those of you who are unaware or have forgotten, that was the same year God and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith for the first time. I’ll research the quote and it posted.

One of the biggest hypocrisies I have witnessed in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been the members unwillingness to sustain and uphold their respective constitutions, or their nonacceptance of the fact that we have actual written commandment from God to do so. You cannot be a member of God’ true church and not support and defend your supreme law of the land, which is constitutional.

In a Constitutional Republic, it is vital for Church members to require our representatives and agents and their delegates to adhere to the strict limits that have been placed upon them. We are even justified in the eyes God in any and all means necessary to do so.

During the church lesson, we were asked what are some of the things we can do to sustain and uphold our constitution. I answered that for starters we should read it. Although everyone thought that was a good answer, I, myself, doubt that they had a full understanding of what I meant.

Most people claim to have read the Constitution, but few ever have. Instead, they form opinions about what it means. Many times I have been in discussion with just such a person. None of them ever understood the importance of the constitution. They are either too centered on the bill of rights and the assumption that those rights are granted by the Constitution and that government is sovereign, or they believe the Constitution, as the supreme law of the land, is the law citizens are required to follow.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The first thing people think when they read the Constitution, is “oh”. They are surprised to discover that Article 1 Section 8 is a list of the only powers the government has. Often, out of confusion, they assume those simple, straightforward, English words mean something other than what they say or that they are just too uneducated to understand it. After all, the current government is doing a whole lot more than what they are supposed to be doing.

By commandment, LDS are required to do any and everything to enforce these laws. If you can’t accept the words of recent prophets like Ezra Taft Benson who maintained eternal vigilance and wrote several pamphlets concerning government, there is written commandments from God Himself in the Doctrine and Covenants. The entire Book of Mormon itself is a testimony of the importance of liberty and our decision to stand up against controlling governments.

The Book of Mormon is the single strongest anti-control book on Earth. Over and Over again the Lamanites sought to control the Nephites. Over and Over again the Nephites fought to protect their liberty from control seeking governments. Time and time again, their vigilance fell slack and oppression reared up in there civilization. Just as it has today in America and other Republics around the world.

Joseph Smith considered himself the greatest constitutionalist in the world. He taught us that one day the constitution would hang by thread and that Elders of Israel would save it from utter destruction. Well, that time is now.

Whether it’s local government, or state, or federal, our representatives and agents and their delegates are overstepping their authorities and assuming more power than the constitutions allow. It is our responsibility to rein in on what has become an uncontrolled government. Recalls should be issued. Charges should be brought against them. The truth should be taught. The law should be upheld. We are justified in doing so. We are required by commandment to do so.

Cleanup Time

I’m impressed. Last year you could not walk through Worthen Park with stepping on some kind of trash. I’m not kidding. It was an embarrassment to humans everywhere (aren’t all Utahans?).

This year, it can be called clean, in comparison. Though there is a scattering of trash, it is nowhere near the landfill it was last year. Perhaps the people of southern Utah are learning. Well, lets not get too carried away.

4th of July

As you celebrate the 4th of July this weekend and on Monday, remember; It’s a republic NOT a democracy. Those men and woman died in the American Revolutionary War for Liberty NOT freedom. We have the right to govern ourselves NOT just privilege. Americans are sovereign because of our independence.

The Movie Critique 007

I saw a really good movie last Wednesday. Sahara. It’s a Dirk Pitt adventure based on the book by Clive Cussler. I loved it. At first, I thought the picture was crowded- it was filmed in widescreen, but they spend too much time zoomed in on the action, it was too close and hard to tell what was going on- but they backed off more for the rest of the film so it was kinda alright.

It was a great adventure, and fun to watch. The characters were fun and the actors did an excellent job. That casting was superb except for the buck-toothed Penelope Cruz. I really do not know why this woman is in the film business.

The take on Dirk Pitt was unexpected. I remember him being a one man show of perfect invincibility from the only Dirk Pitt novel I ever read, Vixen 03. In the movie Sahara, his side kick seems the better hero, but the two combined make a great duo and with the rest of the gang, the admiral and the computers guy, they are an awesome team. I hope to other Clive Cussler adventures of Dirk Pitt with the same cast- minus miss Cruz of course. Demi Moore or Katie Holmes would better fit the character, or Lucy Liu.

My hat goes off to Mr. Cussler for holding out for his way or no way. Gives the rest of us hope.

Horny Utahans

There are several things I dislike about Utahan. My pleasant experiences in Utah often do not include the Utahan. The traffic is among the worst in the world. In Tommyknockers by Steven King, a character sums it up in what I still believe as an accurate portrayal of the mentality of the majority of Utahans.

My complaint today involves the automobile horn. What is the fascination with this useless device? Not a day goes by in Satan George, Utah without several people honking there car horn. Why?

I never have understood this. I’ve owned cars most of my “adult” life, and never honked the horn except by accident. I disconnected the damn thing of my last car, and did just fine without it. Yet here in Utah, it almost a religious act. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, I can assure you that despite the overwhelming evidence suggesting otherwise, honking the car horn is not a ceremony reflecting the religion.

The fact of the matter is, that no matter why these idiots honk their horn, the horn itself has no purpose on the car in the first place. Why is it even being installed in the first place? Horns are a major disruption of the peace and quiet so many people deserve and respect, so why even have a horn on the car at all? It has nothing to do with the proper function of the vehicle, like a tire, or a steering wheel.

I propose the removal of all automobile horns from the manufacture of all new cars. Anyone with me? It is my understanding that at least one city in the States of America has already passed (illegally of course) ordinances against honking. So I know its not just me.

Webpage Update

I finally got an imagemap placed on my webpages. I now have links to this blog “What’s New”, my guestbook, my yahoo and blogger profiles, and my e-mail address.

I also updated my contents page to include all the new pages. In addition, I added a new table on the page that lists the contents in the order I posted (and named) them. I kept the original table that lists the pages by cotagory as well. You can see my Table of Contents page at:

page16.html and page16.html

As usual, if you notice a problem, let me know by making a comment on this blog post.